Learn how you can help out.

Volunteering at the Mukwonago Red Brick Museum is a great way to meet new people and learn more about the history of Mukwonago. New volunteers are asked to attend a general orientation and training to help us integrate your skills with one or more of the following areas:

Visitor Services: Visitor service volunteers are our link to the public. Greeters, House docents, American Indian Collections docents, and Trading Post clerks provide a warm welcome, historical information, and assist with sales in our gift shop when the museum is open and for private tours.

Community Outreach: Community outreach volunteers help us take the museum to those who cannot come to us and assist with in-house programs dedicated to education. Volunteers are needed to assist with our Traveling Trunk Programs (for schools, senior centers, and other community groups), Scout Programs, and book clubs for children and adults.

Exhibits: Exhibit volunteers serve on or work with the Exhibits and Events Committee where they can assist with exhibit research and help create physical exhibits both at the Museum and a display located at the Mukwonago Village Hall.

Events: Events volunteers work with the Exhibits and Events Committee to assist in planning and implementation of annual special events: Member Open House (June), Annual Fundraiser (July), Victorian Tea (July), Ice Cream Social (August) and Midnight Magic (December).

Behind the Scenes: If you would like a less public role we are always looking for volunteers to help prepare the Museum for the season opening, decorate for Christmas, or assist with accessioning. We also work with the High School History Club on projects and have various projects throughout the year.
American Indian Collection: The Mukwonago Red Brick Museum is fortunate to house an incredible collection of American Indian artifacts. Volunteers are welcome to join the committee that works with the exhibition and research of the artifacts in this collection to assist with research, display, and ongoing projects.

To volunteer call (262) 363-2420) or (262-363-4627)

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