Donations would be very much appreciated.
Contributions and memberships are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.
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Estate Planning
Did you know it is extremely easy to include the Mukwonago Historical Society and Museum in your estate planning or will? All you have to do is make sure the following language is included ...that's it!"
"I give , devise, and bequeath to the Mukwonago Historical and Museum Society (IRS ID# 56-2376330 and Wisconsin Charitable Organization #8762-800) in Mukwonago, WI the sum of $ (or a description of specific assets or a percentage of the estate) for the benefit of their cultural and educational activities. If at any time in the judgement of the Board of Directors of MHSM, it is impossible or impracticable to carry out exactly the designated purpose, they shall determine an alternative purpose closest to the designated purpose."
Henry Hecker